In June 2024, the Florida Appellate Court1 issued two opinions in related cases dealing with personal goodwill. Both appellate opinions were issued on June 21, 2024. The cases are Conde-Berrocal v. Conde2 and Rosenberg v. Rosenberg.3 Both cases were held...
Two recent cases have cast the Delaware Chancery Court into the spotlight. For as long as I can remember (and I am 78), corporations have flocked to Delaware to incorporate. A promo for Delaware online1 lists the advantages to...
Did you ever wonder how some courts can arrive at a business value that seems clearly out of character with the principles of business valuation? This frequently happens in divorce cases but can happen in other cases also—for example,...
The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously on June 6, 2024 that “ corporation’s contractual obligation to redeem shares is not necessarily a liability that reduces a corporation’s value for purposes of the federal estate tax.” In this already famous...
<p>Our friends from Faegre Drinker have not only once again come up with a great article, but also got us thinking about an issue of importance to our FVS brethren and sisters. The issue is causation in damages cases.</p> <p>The...
A lot has been written and said recently about bias in valuations. Judges are commenting on it more frequently, and others within the BV profession are noticing and commenting on it. Having been around this business for 44 years,...
Brett Goodyer It’s the final quarter of the financial year, and now, the importance of integrating business valuations and appraisals with strategic tax planning becomes particularly significant. This is a crucial period for accountants who aim to leverage every...
Editor’s note: John Barrett, CPA/ABV, was a testifying expert for the wife in this case and presented the fair market value of a 2% interest in the husband’s medical practice. John is a very experienced and competent valuation professional....
Rodriguez v. Hosp. San Cristobal, Inc., 2024 U.S. App. LEXIS 1301, 91 F.4th 59; 2024 WL 207717 Much has been said during the run-up to the implementation of the changes in Rule 702 designed to “clarify” rather than to change...
A recent California appeal of a divorce case demonstrated a proper way of managing a situation where the valuation analyst has received insufficient information to allow for a conclusion of value as to an asset or assets. In the...